Tuesday 10 May 2011

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Totally depends on what tools you are using. Sure, when I'm at home working on a light webapp running nothing but Emacs, Chrome, Postgres, and using, for example, Python as my server-side language, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, hell I could get by with 2GB no problem

    You'd need 2 GBs for that ? My Linux server with about 384 MB of RAM runs that web/db environnement without breaking a sweat, with a load average of about 0.1, and that's not even a quarter of what runs off of it.

    No, seriously, people overestimate their computing ressource needs these days. Xcode is pretty light, Eclipse ran on computers from 10 years ago, so did Netbeans. Tomcat has been around and hasn't changed much from its 5.0 release, back in the early 2000s.

    The MBA is fine for running the tools you describe and would make a fine software development station for the needs you expose, don't ever doubt that.

    By "run everything", you can't possibly mean run games at "higher than medium" settings, nor edit lots of HD footage in something like Final Cut Pro. Though that's not what YOU use YOUR MacBook Air for

    I'd argue the needs I described are shared by much more people that the needs you claim aren't filled by a MBA. I doubt Final Cut Pro movie editing is anything but a small niche of what computer buyers do with their machines and "higher than medium" settings is not something I use to describe gaming. I value games for their playability, not how they look on my screen. Of course, I come from the era of EGA graphics and Adlib sound systems, when games were about gameplay.

    Still, the MBA does fine with iMovie and I can play Civilization IV at full screen on my external monitor of 2048x1156 pixels without breaking a sweat. It is a very capable machine, contrary to what you believe. Use one and see for yourself before you diss the thing. I can understand why you wouldn't be interested in one, I can't however understand the venom you spit at the thing.

    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Get a USB adapter. That way, your 2000$ laptop won't be tied to a single carrier the way Apple does 3G in its devices. I'm fine with my iPhone and tethering, I'd rather Apple sell the MBA on the cheap and leave the 3G option up to the users.

    It's not like you can't use a MBA over 3G networks right this day (or any other Mac for that matter).

    Wait, so MacBook Air has a TN panel? That makes no sense, the iPad 2 has an IPS panel...

    Anyway, I'd like to see backlit keys and an IPS display before I buy a MBA :cool:

    Very, very few laptops have IPS displays. The only one that comes to mind is the HP Elitebook with the DreamColor screen option (the standard screen on it is a TN panel).

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try youtube.com/html5 (http://www.youtube.com/html5) or ClickToFlash (http://rentzsch.github.com/clicktoflash/) or other HTML5-Safari extensions (http://www.macupdate.com/find/mac/html5%20extension)!

    Youtube is not the only source of content out there and until all video provider sites are HTML5, computers without VDA framework support will be slower, run hotter and have lesser battery life than those with VDA support.

    And HTML5 won't be on all video sites until you can graft DRM on top of it. Think of the paid-for streaming providers like Hulu.

    BTW, my MBA runs Flash without any problems. I don't need Apple to pre-install it for me.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCL). OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU. It makes no sense to emulate OpenCL in software, other than providing OpenCL on computers without a hardware implementation.

    In the end, you haven't achieved the purpose of OpenCL, which is to offload the CPU, since you haven't offloaded the CPU at all.

    The point is, the Intel 3000 HD on Mac OS X cannot run OpenCL code, so it's up to the CPU to do it.

    You failed to even counter my points. Your attempt is only about dismissal, which proves my points are very valid.

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  • osama bin laden facebook

  • WildCowboy
    Aug 15, 01:04 PM
    has adobe dropped any hints as to when CS3 will be available

    In March they were saying (http://www.forbes.com/2006/03/23/adobe-chizen-earnings_cz_dal_0324adobe.html?partner=links) the second quarter of next year.

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  • OSAMA bin Laden has a page on

  • MrNomNoms
    Mar 26, 03:57 AM
    I use my computer as a "real computer" and I like virtually every change I've seen. I wish people wouldn't generalize so broadly and presume that because certain additions aren't something that they use that it has nothing to do with "real work."

    Why shouldn't they be related? Borrowing concepts and sharing library isn't the same as being merged. The only people who honestly believe the OSes are being merged into one are the paranoid people on this forum.

    Unless I'm missing something, Mission Control is added in addition to Expos� as it is now. The old functionality will still be there. As for it being "ruined," a couple of days before the Lion preview the graphic artist I work with most was describing changes he wished they'd make to Expos� and we were laughing together a few days later when we watched the preview and boom, there it was. Incidentally, he makes his living off what he does with his "real" computer.

    Cool. Don't use "full screen apps." However, they make a lot of sense in a few places. Paired with Spaces I'm looking forward to this when working on my laptop without an external monitor. Also, on a multimonitor setup it makes a lot of sense.

    Again, don't do any of it. I've been using Steam for my games on the PC basically since CounterStrike: Condition Zero was released. It's awesome. I was thrilled with the AppStore for similar reasons. It's just convenient. However, it's not the only distribution method available for software so its existence doesn't impede you.

    I also use my trackpad when using my computer like a desktop and love having my Expos� gestures there.

    What's being dumbed down exactly? Ease of use is very different than "dumbing down." Workflows that aren't what one particular individual likes are not "dumb." There are plenty of UNIX fanatics that think people using anything but CLI for half their workflow are using "dumbed down" interfaces. They're wrong and they're annoying.

    Launchpad is, in my opinion, the lamest and most unnecessary addition to Lion. However, it's so minor that I don't care. I know some people will really like it. I am not personally offended by the inclusion of a feature I don't use or care about either.

    The vast majority of people using computers are not techies, pros or developers. They're people like my parents. As a developer, I'm generally more excited about a new release of XCode than I am about OS X because overall, it's going to affect what I do far more than the OS will.

    If they merge in the sense that the Mac becomes as locked down as an iPhone, I agree that that's it on Macs and even if they don't die in the market from Apple's would be hubris I'll be leaving Apple for something else. Thankfully, this will only occur if most of Apple's leadership is replaced with an army of complete morons.

    Really, my point is this: you don't have to like these features. However, that doesn't mean they're not useful. It doesn't mean that they're "dumbed down." It doesn't mean "pros" won't like them. It doesn't mean people who like them don't use their computer as a "real computer" and instead treat it as a "toy." It means you don't like them.

    Thank you for your constructive reply but I have a feeling it will all fall on deaf ears given that most have never actually gone on Google and researched what has been added/changed/enhanced to Mac OS X Lion. For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    OpenGL 3.2 has been added and funny enough not a single thing has been said about the fact that it lays the foundation for future updates that will be more prompt.

    Then there is Webkit2 based web browser whose knock on effects go well beyond Safari and into applications wishing to utilise web based technologies with framework that provides said functionality but handles all the mundane security/process isolation/etc behind the scenes.

    The merging of AV Foundation that serves as the foundation for future development for media products that will span iOS and Mac OS X; that you can have the same media core on iOS and Mac OS X then build upon it to differentiate between the desktop and tablet version by having a different interface, more features on the desktop version etc.

    Sandboxing is being enhanced further and more system components are being put into it as to reduce the security exposure when a bug is found.

    I'm sure others can note even more enhancements but it is frustrating when I hear the same nauseating ignorance over and over again from the cheap seats screaming there are no new features and yet they've done zero in the way of researching and reading on the matter.

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  • Osama bin Laden 39 s Facebook

  • BlondeBuddhist
    Jun 10, 06:09 PM
    Gazelle (http://www.gazelle.com/) buys old iPhones too. :)

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  • Funny Bin Laden Facebook. osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook; osama bin laden facebook

  • Stridder44
    Apr 10, 12:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This should be interesting.

    osama bin laden facebook. Osama Bin Laden was dead.
  • Osama Bin Laden was dead.

  • Matthew Yohe
    Apr 7, 10:23 PM
    Quota? Are these guys idiots?

    Best Buy isn't the only place to buy these... I've thought through the various marketing gimmicks, and really none apply here. Why would they do this...

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook.
  • osama bin laden facebook.

  • Nuck81
    Dec 7, 04:20 PM
    So another patch for today adding mechanical damage. Must have the newest firmware...

    only online so far. It was a good fix, cuts down on the bumper cars in certain rooms...

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  • osama bin laden facebook

  • Leoff
    Sep 19, 08:25 AM
    You may be right to a certain extent, but l i assumed that most people who want a Macbook Pro are going to be using it for intensive stuff - I was under the impressions that Macs are the platform of choice for a lot of graphics professionals etc so the high end line would have a lot of those kind of ppl buying. Granted the difference in speed will probably be fairly minimal, but when you are spending a load of cash on a top-of-the line notebook, why shouldnt you expect to have the latest and greatest technology available? It also seems quite likely they might either make them cheaper, or offer more RAM on the base model etc. so buying now unless you really have to seems foolish.

    Im also not sure about your point on the resale value, i would imagine pro users probably would be concerned about which processor it had in it.

    Note that I, and the previous commenter who I quoted, have been talking about MacBooks, not MacBook Pros.

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook.
  • osama bin laden facebook.

  • Blaze3555
    Apr 10, 02:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Did any One catch the quote about the puck. For a split second I got exited because I thought it was Kevin Smith. I love his podcasts. Execp he talk about only using Avid because Fcp docent have a big enough time line. But Let's all go inside! Lol

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook.
  • osama bin laden facebook.

  • borisadmin
    Jul 28, 05:11 AM
    Just to clarify a few things...
    Merom uses the same amount of power essentially per MHz as Yonah. However, it is 20% more efficient than Yonah is. So while putting Merom into any of the current machines will NOT make them cooler or use less power than the Yonah versions, they will all:

    1 - Be approximately 20% faster at the same MHz rating.
    2 - Have 64-bit capability.
    3 - Have enhanced SSE (closer to AltiVec than previous Intel chips.)

    Some of the Merom chips also have twice the L2 cache (4 MB vs. 2 MB) which would also increase speeds, but the other items above are more important in the grand scheme of things.

    Ensoniq, thanks so much for the useful corrections. How significant do you think that 64-bit capability will be in the future compared to not having it(say, 2-3 years time)?

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook
  • osama bin laden facebook

  • takao
    Dec 7, 05:04 PM
    Keep that Lotus, you can use it for the British Lightweight race.

    ah the british lightweight .. i remembered it much much harder from gt4 .. since this time around lightweight just means being under 1200 kg and british ;) so my 300 kW TVR was qualified which of course smoked the competition

    that said i find it stil ldissapointing that opposed to gt4 you can't difference between imperial and metric measurements more seperate

    which means either mp/h and HP or km/h and kW

    which is unfortunate since nobody really uses kW except for taxes ;)

    osama bin laden facebook. The news of Osama Bin Laden#39
  • The news of Osama Bin Laden#39

  • Nuck81
    Dec 8, 07:53 PM
    so its been out for some time, would you guys recommend this game? i do enjoy racing games, and am very close to buying it - just need somebody to push me over the edge!

    Buy it, you won't regret it. And if you do, return it and get your money back...

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook.
  • osama bin laden facebook.

  • mwswami
    Jul 20, 11:56 AM
    See http://www.anandtech.com/IT/showdoc.aspx?i=2772 for comparison of Woodcrest, Opteron, and Ultrasparc T1.

    Dual Woodcrest (4 threads) easily outperformed Ultrasparc T1 (32 threads). The power consumption of the dual 3.0GHz Woodcrest system came out to be 245W compared to 188W for the Sun T2000 with 8-core Ultrasparc T1. But, the metric that's most important is performance/watt and that's where Woodcrest came out as a clear winner.

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook
  • osama bin laden facebook

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 08:47 AM
    Well, the store's not down. My theory that an update would happen today looks to be bunk. Couple with this story, and I have no idea what to think now. I'm completely perplexed. Oh well, I guess we'll just see what happens at Photokina.

    The one good side to today's non-event is that I have a little longer to graduate from 'macrumors newbie' :o before I'm outta here to play sorry work with my new MBP :) (my plan is to change my moniker to ExLax when I make 'macrumors regular')

    osama bin laden facebook. Osama Bin Laden | maptd
  • Osama Bin Laden | maptd

  • davidcmc
    Mar 22, 03:01 PM
    Come: present tense. See: iPad2
    Will come: future tense. See: Samsung tablet.
    May come: conditional tense. See: RIM tablet.

    The prices are official. Stop this fanboy **** about "it's not released yet".
    Xoom has been released and sells well, although not so much as the iPad, but it still grabs some market share.

    You people keep trying to find problems where there are no problems.

    It's an official announcement, the tablets are officially coming with an official price that makes real front to the iPad, you accepting it or not.

    It's like you fanboy people hate the fact that competitors are doing well.
    The Galaxy Tab 8.9 and 10.1 are thinner than the iPad 2, that must be too much for fanboys hearts.

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook
  • osama bin laden facebook

  • GQB
    Mar 31, 05:09 PM
    Thats not at all what this article is saying. The Android project is still going to be "open source".

    'Open Source' to the degree that it serves Google's purposes.

    The point is that Apple is derided as 'closed' while Google is erroneously beatified as 'open', when in fact there is little difference between the two (other than the fact that I somewhat trust Apple with private info, while I wouldn't trust Google as far as I could throw them.)

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  • TripHop
    Jun 9, 08:53 PM
    Okay.. well I guess I wont be taking my chances at RadioShack. If they let me preorder, would I be good to go on launch day? Or could i still encounter problemsLooks like it will be no problem to lock in an iP4 for launch morning as long as we pre-order next Tuesday morning. It's sort of like 2 launch days - pre order next Tuesday the 15th for a $50 advance (in the form of a gift card) and receive the 24th. The Shack is much handier than any other launch store for me. :)

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  • The news of Osama Bin Laden#39; osama bin laden facebook. Well Osama Bin Laden has been; Well Osama Bin Laden has been

  • doctor-don
    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    What a rightwingnut, especially when you read all the fellow's signature at the bottom of his post.

    osama bin laden facebook. osama bin laden facebook.
  • osama bin laden facebook.

  • Dalton63841
    Apr 8, 04:18 AM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.

    So, if you get 10 the day after that, & not knowing if more are coming tomorrow, you sell 5, make quota, and hold the other 5 for the next day when, low and behold, none get shipped to the store. You still have 5 left over to sell, which you do, and again you make quota for the day.

    Basically the more days you make quota, the happier BB corporate is, and the better chance Mr. Manager gets a bonus down the road.

    Mr. Manager (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4DMPmoJkJQ)
    This guy has a firm understanding of how retail chains work. This is EXACTLY the case and how MOST major chains operate.

    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but so what if they can tell what cell phone tower you're by??? Are you really so important/ secrative that someone knowing your location is that big of a deal?

    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    1) This is all rumour and speculation...
    2) At the price that OEMs charge for memory, less RAM is better. We can fill it with whatever we pick.

    I used to side with the people complaining about not having enough standard RAM but not after reading that. You get a gold star.

    Apr 6, 12:36 PM
    I completely disagree with that statement.

    Well at least the iPad does have a backlit keyboard :p

    Edit: But I agree, I own an iPad myself and while it serves its purpose brilliantly there's many things that can just not be done on it. Just wanted to say there's a few things it does have over the MacBook Air (the built-in 3G option is another)

    Aug 7, 06:35 PM
    I am not hearing impaired, but I often watch TV and movies with the closed captioning on. I cannot really say what about it makes it more enjoyable to me--no one has ever understood why I do it, maybe it has to do with how I process information (I do have trouble listening in lecture classes, maybe a learning disability etc.), but my point is to say that I am also interested in getting closed captioning on iTunes shows.

    I wrote to Apple on the feedback part of their web-site about this. I was wondering if you might know better what the law is about closed captioning. I always assumed it was required for network television shows. Is it not for network shows that appear online?

    Anyhow, it's functionality I would definitely like to see.

    Online is a grey area because it's new...

    I'm not completely familiar with Closed Captioning laws. I believe all new TVs are required to have a Closed-Captioning decoder, and I think that all Network shows (and maybe cable-based, too) have to be captioned.

    A quick Google gives this:

    Which explains in more detail...

    Regardless, I have seen a number of hearing-impaired users comment on the issue before. It would be so simple to implement, after all...

    Apr 27, 12:37 PM
    Maybe the certificate is legitimate, but I think the original short form would have been more convincing than a pristine copy of the long one. I like Obama, but I loathe his extreme liberalism.

    No public health coverage, extending mideast wars, extending corporate tax cuts and Bush tax rates in general, actually lowering taxes in general to a historic low, supporting and campaigning for conservative democrats like Blanche Lincoln, Arlen Spector, etc., cabinet filled with big corporate players, didn't fight for serious Wall St. reform, didn't fight for second stimulus, dragging feet on gay rights and civil rights in general.

    Where's the extremism?

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Official Prince William, Kate
  • Official Prince William, Kate

  • dernhelm
    Aug 26, 07:13 PM
    I'm Really hoping for a new iMac this Tues. But I might jump on a Core 2 Duo mini if they offer that instead...

    Anyone have any idea if they'll be using "laptop chips" in the iMac and mini still - or if they'll move the iMac to a "desktop" chip instead?

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 11, 04:34 AM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    I think the point is apple is trying to break the mold of traditional NLE editing. Many tools and terms we use in FCP and other NLEs are derived from linear tape editing from 20+ years ago. They are trying to push to the future of editing in a new direction and that may involve rethinking aspects of how we edit. Whether it's going to work or not I guess we'll have to see...

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. prince william and kate
  • prince william and kate

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 28, 07:18 PM
    i am looking forward to this game, no matter if it's got standard and premium cars.

    yeh im over the bitching - just make the physics right and ill play it in 8 bit colour!

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. prince william kate middleton
  • prince william kate middleton

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    The iPhone is voluntary. You enabled location services.

    Did you read ANY of the news articles.

    With location services turned off, this data was still be collected. And Apple says this was a "bug"

    So you're wrong.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William And Kate
  • Prince William And Kate

  • cult hero
    Mar 31, 09:58 PM
    What he said was spot on. Gruber is the archetypical Apple sycophant, second only to Andy Ifatso from MacBreak Weekly.

    No, what he said wasn't spot on. Gruber's a Mac fan and someone I would go so far as to call a "defender of the faith." That's pretty accurate. Saying Gruber would "eat Steve Job's ***** if he could" as just gross. I don't mind if someone says it, but when calling someone else biased, giving a raging response like that does make you look any better.

    Of course, hating on virtually anything Apple does or anyone who likes/follows them appears to be the trendy thing to do around here.

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  • kate middleton engagement ring

  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 09:49 AM
    Did he release a different form of the document today?

    To catch you up... There are two versions of the form, the long and short. The long form is the one that you are used to seeing and the short is an abbreviated version that is just a as legal. Many states are using the short now including Hawaii. If he is holding a clearance (which he is), he will have had a background check and these documents would have been submitted. Basically he was cleared with no problems. This is just people raising hell of something stupid.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. prince william kate middleton
  • prince william kate middleton

  • AngryCorgi
    Apr 6, 04:16 PM
    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    I'll give you some insight into their potential. The desktop i7-2600k has been benchmarked to be roughly equivalent to a 9400m in performance (assuming similar CPU).

    i7-2600k GPU clock = 850/1350 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i5-2410m (13" Mac Pro base) GPU clock = 650/1200 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i7-2620m (13" Mac Pro upg) GPU clock = 650/1300 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i5-2537m (theorized 11/13 MBA) GPU clock = 350/900 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i7-2649m (theorized 13 MBA upg) GPU clock = 500/1100 (normal/turbo)(MHz)

    As you can see, none of the mobile GPUs run quite as fast as the desktop, but the 13" 2.7GHz upg cpu's comes fairly close. Now, the 2.13 GHz MBA + 320m combo matched or beat out the i7-2620m in 75% of the tests (and only narrowly was defeated in 25%). There is going to be some random inconcistancy regardless, due to driver variances in different apps. The issue here is (and this can be shown in core2 vs. i5/i7 testing on the alienware m11x) the core2 duo really very rarely gets beat by the i5/i7 in gaming/video playback. This is because not many games are single-threaded anymore, and if using 2+ threads, the i5/i7 ULV won't jump the clock speed any. Further, the 2.13GHz was keeping up with and beating a 2.7GHz (27% higher clock!) in that test, because graphics are the bottleneck, not the CPU. Take into account that NONE of the ULV core-i options match the MBP 13" 2.7GHz upg GPU speed and its pretty clear that for graphics-intensive apps, the older 320m would be the way to go. Now for most everything else, the i7-2649m would overtake the core2 2.13GHz. This includes a lot of non-accelerated video playback (high-CPU-overhead).

    Something you guys need to be wary of is the 1333MHz memory topic. Likely, Apple will choose to run it down at 1066MHz to conserve battery life. Memory speed hikes = gratuitous battery drain.

    I for one am happy Apple is growing with the modern tech, but I hold no illusions as to the benefits/drawbacks of either system.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 05:02 PM
    Like the whole 3ghz thing?

    Ahh, but that was a different situation. In that case, Steve said that, but was dependent on IBM to make it come true.

    In this Case, steve is only dependent on his own company to make it come true.

    And did anyone else laugh today when they showed the top of the line Mac Pro--at 3Ghz?

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • addicted44
    Mar 31, 04:54 PM
    What do you mean "if"? (http://www.engadget.com/2007/11/12/a-visual-tour-of-androids-ui/)

    Thanks. Wish I could favorite that post to point out to Fandroids (have a few at work) everytime they tell me that Android came before the iPhone, to claim the iPhone copied it (yup, technically it did...but as you have shown, Android was nothing like Android now then...In line with its successor, which was an iPhone knockoff, Android then was a BB knockoff).

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 07:55 PM
    Personally I go the BTO route at Apple.com for my PowerMacs and downgrade all RAM to the minimum cost and buy my RAM from a trusted 3rd party vendor for a savings of at least 10% if not more so.

    sounds like a plan for me too. I just hope the prices drop soon and the selection gets a bit better :(


    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William amp; Kate
  • Prince William amp; Kate

  • ZildjianKX
    Aug 7, 03:51 PM
    YOU MUST BE KIDDING. Have you actually used System Restore to restore a single file? Oh that's right, you can't. All you can do it reset your system back to a point where the file existed.

    This is MUCH more powerful, and more like something users would actually want.

    System Restore is great for those times when you want to apply a system patch that could be iffy, and you are willing to "snap" a restore point, apply the patch, and roll back if something didn't fly.

    But for the normal user, it is much more useless.

    I'd also like to point out I've never actually gotten XP's system restore to work, I've tried about 10 times over the past 5 years. Maybe I'm the exception, but you really can't rely on it.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • milo
    Jul 14, 03:21 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.

    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    Against this, you have the confusion generated by a Mac with two optical drives. I have a Mac with two optical drives (an in-built combo drive, and a FW DVD burner), and it's not terribly elegant. It's fine when reading disks (obviously), but writing them generates some confusion. How sure am I that I'm burning to the right drive? I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying this would be unbelievably un-Mac like. It'd be like the next version of iTunes coming with a menu at the top of its window.

    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.

    Copying DVD's, nowadays people are backing up their own materials. Most dvd copying would be making backups of your own discs. Burning multiple discs would be a great option as well. And bluray drives will be INCREDIBLY expensive when these machines ship, not to mention who knows how well they will burn cd's and dvd's (assuming that all bluray drives will be burners, none of them readers only). Many people will want to wait and add a bluray or hd-dvd later, especially since nobody knows which will be the winning format.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • McGarvels
    Nov 28, 06:46 PM
    I can't wait until Steve laughs in their faces. Who the hell do these guys think they are?

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • hondaboy945
    Aug 25, 04:14 PM
    The problem with the surveys that they take is that I would suspect most satisfied customers don't fill them out, and the ones that are not satisfied after make sure to fill them out.

    This is the absolute truth. People that are upset want everyone too know, while the rest of us go on loving our products. I really try too take the time to fill out surveys that I get wether the product is good or bad.

    Please take time too let companies know when they do a good thing, and when they do things that need a little work. Maybe instead of geting all pissed off about being on hold for a few minutes or not being able to talk to a person that speaks English, you could try your luck with customer service from Dell, HSBC, or any other service center that is located in another country. Then maybe you won't be so bitchy. Sorry for the rant.

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • gugy
    Aug 17, 12:17 PM
    "Sixteen Core Tigerton Setup about $6,000" :eek:

    I want one!

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • iawait
    Apr 11, 10:01 PM
    I just don't think I can wait and that is SO irritating I may have to jump ship!

    Newton memories :mad:

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. 1116-kate-middleton-engagement
  • 1116-kate-middleton-engagement

  • KEL9000
    Jul 14, 03:29 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Breaking news: Prince William
  • Breaking news: Prince William

  • oldwatery
    Apr 19, 02:03 PM
    Apple as Big Brother.
    How ironic!

    pictures of prince william and kate middleton engagement. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 27, 09:03 AM
    Encrypting the existing database and giving us the option to get rid of it. Sounds fine to me.

    Sep 13, 12:11 PM
    How is this Apple "innovating"? Anandtech just put pre-release quad-core Intel-processor in to an Apple-computer. Apple itself had nothing to do with it. They could have used quad-core Dell-machine just as well.

    The OS takes advantage of the extra 4 cores already therefore its ahead of the technology curve, correct? Gee, no innovation here...please move along folks. :rolleyes:

    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores. You think those fools (the same idiots who came up with Genuine Advantage) actually optimized their OS to run in an 8 core setup? Please pass along what you're smoking. :rolleyes:

    Sep 13, 10:53 AM
    What about Tigerton (2007)? Isn't that a "true" quad?

    Intel has two lines of Xeon processors:

    * The 5000 series is DP (dual processor, like Woodcrest, Clovertown)
    * The 7000 series MP (multi processor - eg 4+ processors)

    Tigerton is supposed to be an MP version of Clovertown. Meaning, you can have as many chips as the motherboard supports, and just like Clovertown its an MCM (two processors in one package). 7000's are also about 5-10x the price of 5000's.

    So unless the specs for Tigerton severely change, no point even considering it on a Mac Pro (high end xserve is plausible).

    Aug 19, 02:25 PM
    Kart racing and Course Maker videos and pictures over on Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/19/gran-turismo-5-course-maker-and-kart-racing-unveiled/).


    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    As has been pointed out already, "maths" is a perfectly acceptable word. Travel is an education unto itself; one which would have taught you this fact. Clearly, you're not sufficiently successful to engage in this activity.

    I'm not american, perhaps you should be utilising the 'proper' English that was invented here.

    And you're last sentence makes you look rather condescending and quite frankly a bit of a pretentious moron.

    And I'm sorry to say, I've never been to the states, but of course you make an unfounded and ignorant assertion that I have never travelled. Really, you're not doing yourself much good with that mentality you have.

    Glad that you're just showcasing your pitiful character to the rest of us.

    Apr 25, 04:29 PM
    You aren't being tracked by Apple, you aren't being tracked to the meter. You can opt out, just switch off location services.

    And by the way even if you do switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.

    Stop being a paranoid sheep and start reading the facts of this case not the media hype.

    Dig deeper Watson. Turning off location services DOES NOT disable this feature. It is still logged, even with location services off. That's the whole issue the smart people have. There's no way to auto-truncate the file, and there's no way to turn it off.

    iphone 4gb price

    iphone 4gb price. Price: $277.60
  • Price: $277.60

  • guzhogi
    Jul 15, 09:58 AM
    I kind of miss the B&W G3 and the Power Mac G4's enclusure where all you needed to do to open it was lift the latch and open it and �voila! All the components right there! W/ the G5/ you have to take off the side and isn't there a clear side panel you have to take off, too?

    iphone 4gb price. The 4gb iPhone costs $499
  • The 4gb iPhone costs $499

  • Platform
    Sep 13, 07:25 AM
    WOW...I have one core....now 8 cores...:eek:

    iphone 4gb price. `F / S: 4g Apple Iphone Hd
  • `F / S: 4g Apple Iphone Hd

  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 27, 09:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Iraqis are dying, Afghani are dying, Syrians are dying, American soldiers are dying, British soldiers are dying, Australian soldiers are dying, elderly around the world are losing medical services... And civvies and senators are busy complaining about a location log in an iPhone? There are some screwed up heads in this world!

    Exactly. Some need to develop a sense of perspective.

    iphone 4gb price. FOR SALE :APPLE IPHONE 4GB

  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 10:24 PM
    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU.

    See, that is exactly not the purpose of OpenCL. OpenCL can also use specialized DSPs, if someone writes a compiler for them. OpenCL is GPU-independent, which is a problem, if you want to optimize your OpenCL-code for a specific GPU.

    If you really need the power of a GPU you could use CUDA and/or STREAM (the standards in the past 4 years). Most computer science labs use CUDA. No one needs OpenCL at the moment, because the solutions which work are based on CUDA and/or STREAM, not OpenCL.

    This will change a bit in the next ten years, but the hardware-dependent languages CUDA/STREAM will never be replaced by OpenCL, at least not for high performance applications, which require direct GPU-access.

    OpenCL is like C, you can use on CPUs, GPUs and DSPs.

    iphone 4gb price. Krusell 75383 Apple iPhone 4Gb
  • Krusell 75383 Apple iPhone 4Gb

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 02:45 PM
    I would add

    iphone 4gb price. iPhone#39;s pricing structure
  • iPhone#39;s pricing structure

  • zacman
    Apr 19, 03:29 PM
    2.5 million more? Apple has likely sold more than double then number of iPhones in q1 2011 than q1 2010 (8.75 million).

    I'm speaking about estimated Q1/11 to Q4/10 numbers (the est. Q1/11 numbers is what that news was about...). And what about reading the graphs I posted yourself? :rolleyes:

    iphone 4gb price. iPhone 4GB Logic Board 1st Gen
  • iPhone 4GB Logic Board 1st Gen

  • louden
    Aug 27, 06:36 PM
    IF new MBPs are announced tomorrow
    IF people who had ordered new MBPs see their ship dates slip

    Then wouldn't that signal that prices won't change for the various models from existing prices AND that we shouldn't assume drastic shell changes? Sure they can give us easy access and a magnetic lid, but no options on a glossy screen and no black anodized aluminum.

    If I were Apple, I'd hold off on the black aluminum for a few months to get a few of us suckers to buy two of the damn things... Malibu Stacy Marketing 101.

    iphone 4gb price. Apple IPhone 4GB Review
  • Apple IPhone 4GB Review

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 09:43 AM
    Did he release a different form of the document today?

    I really couldn't give a ratass if he ever released it.
    But to say it could not be released? Cmon this is CIA/Secret Service information gathering 101.
    Some of the crap that was dug up in for back ground investigations makes getting a birth certificate look easy.

    OMG- you're one of them. :eek: Please go get a hobby.

    iphone 4gb price. iphone S4 3.5inch Dual cameras
  • iphone S4 3.5inch Dual cameras

  • thatisme
    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    Sleep walking a lot lately?

    Nope. However, here are just a few threads detailing the behavior. I have to believe that this location issue is part of this problem... I guess we'll see when the "fix" is in....





    iphone 4gb price. Inch LCD 4GB Price: 59.8
  • Inch LCD 4GB Price: 59.8

  • macduke
    Mar 25, 10:51 PM
    So is there real resolution independence or just a x2 mode?

    This. Until this happens displays won't advance any further for actual computers (non-tablet) because there are so many form factors.

    Apple can spend the time to make graphics for each flavor of iPhone or iPad because there aren't that many to deal with. It becomes a lot more difficult to do this across a large range of products. Besides, computers are getting to the point where they are too powerful for most users (hence the popularity of the iPad). A retina display option would give people more incentive to upgrade their desktops, laptops, etc. I think?

    As a designer, I'd love a retina 27" ACD. 300dpi right on my screen, almost perfect. Now if we could just get the color/brightness a little more accurate...

    iphone 4gb price. Click Refurbished iPhone then
  • Click Refurbished iPhone then

  • gnasher729
    Jul 27, 10:07 AM
    So since these new mobile chips are pin-compatible with the Yonah chips (like the one in my MBP), will it be easy/possible to simply buy one and upgrade myself?

    With things like this, my rule is: If you have to ask, then you can't do it :-(

    At the very least, you have to open your MacBook, get access to the processor, remove it, put in a new ones. But laptops are not built to be opened, and the processor is most definitely not intented to be swapped, so you might have to take an awful lot of things apart. Now taking it apart is the easy part, putting all the things back together again with everything fitting and nothing left over, that is the more difficult part.

    It is one thing to try these things with a cheap MacMini, especially if your goal is not to have a faster MacMini, but an impressive webpage. Risking a $2000 MacBook Pro is quite another thing. Better to sell your MacBook/MacBook Pro on eBay and buy a new one.

    iphone 4gb price. iPhone 4GB
  • iPhone 4GB

  • SRSound
    Nov 28, 06:29 PM
    here we go again

    iphone 4gb price. $250 Apple Iphone 3G 4gb.
  • $250 Apple Iphone 3G 4gb.

  • p0intblank
    Sep 19, 08:05 AM
    I can see this happening. The MacBook will now be available in five colors! ;)

    iphone 4gb price. Apple: 8GB iPhone Price Cut by
  • Apple: 8GB iPhone Price Cut by

  • kdarling
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Gruber is rarely accurate in his conclusions, and this time is no exception.

    None of what is happening smacks of being a "bait-and-switch" as he claims. That would've required extremely clever pre-planning years ago on the part of Google.

    Instead, it's got all the hallmarks of too little pre-planning.

    Anyone with experience dealing with large projects can see that Rubin has belatedly come to realize that things were getting out of control. Now he is goofing up trying to take full control himself instead of doing the smart thing and first getting a consensus from the OHA members.

    iphone 4gb price. 360 4GB Price – Rs.14990
  • 360 4GB Price – Rs.14990

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 29, 01:04 PM
    Would you start a new thread about this please? You've really taken this off course.

    As to your second point, it's pointless. I called you out on your assertion that liberals do more of the name calling.
    I'll start a new thread. I wasn't talking about liberals in general. I said that most of the name-callers I knew of were liberals.

    iphone 4gb price. Apple iPhone (4GB)
  • Apple iPhone (4GB)

  • falconeight
    Apr 6, 03:11 PM
    I bought a xoom...the salesmen started it up for me and after seeing it I changed my mind. It was my first return before I swipped my card.

    iphone 4gb price. iPhone
  • iPhone

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 6, 11:16 AM
    I am shocked that anyone finds this as a positive.

    So you all want a drop from 1.86/2.13 to 1.4GHz CPUs in your 13" MBA? That is a 30% drop.

    Then you want another drop of approaching 50% in graphics performance? Remember these IGPs clock in much lower than the STD voltage SB used in 13" MBP.

    I find this completely backwards from Apple's current position on both CPU and graphics, and I don't think anyone would end up with a faster or better 13" MBA than the current generation. Apple would certainly have to bring back the backlit keyboard and introduce Thunderbolt to sucker anyone into buying such inferior junk! I would recommend people buy the current generation on clearance rather than lose performance everywhere like this. If this is the chip Apple uses in the 13" MBA, prepare for a big drop in capabilities!

    I am still in shock anyone finds this a positive? Have you all read the clock speed? The facts about the chip and IGP in ultra low voltage variants?

    clock speed is not everything... a 1.4ghz sb processor will kill anything you are doing with a 2.4ghz c2d. There are many other factors in a processor than just clock speed so i wouldn't be worried. There is no doubt that the sb will be a much faster processor than the ancient c2d.

    Also, I would say 50% less graphics is a bit of a stretch. Haven't personally ran any benchmarks but was reading a thread the other day and in the benchmarks and graphics they were showing that the 320m averages about 5-10 extra fps over the 3000.

    here is a thread you can look at and compare for yourself.


    Sure the integrated graphics are going to be slightly worse, but at least you will have a nice new processor. Can't always have your cake and eat it too, especially in an ultraportable.

    When the mba was refreshed everyone was complaining about the outdated processor, now rumors of a processor upgrade and people bitch about the integrated graphics. Guess you can't please everyone but jesus, sometimes it just seems like people find anything they can to complain about.

    Here's a simple solution for all of you, if you want the "slightly" better graphics go buy a macbook air right now, it's not like apple has stopped selling them. If you'd rather have a sandy bridge processor, wait it out. Seems simple but i guess that's just me?!?!?!:eek:

    iphone 4gb price. Apple iPhone 4GB amp; 8GB
  • Apple iPhone 4GB amp; 8GB

  • shawnce
    Aug 27, 07:27 PM
    Now. But how much have iMac prices changed since release? I don't think they have. They released the iMac and MBP lines around the same time Yonah was intro'ed, and the iMacs did not see any speed bumps or price changes that I know of. Therefore they should be able to implement similar pricing with Conroe @ 2.4GHz, just with a profit margin closer to the iMac release amounts. Apple new future pricing plans looong before we did... they likely picked the price point with that in mind.

    iphone 4gb price. 8GB Apple Iphone 4GB
  • 8GB Apple Iphone 4GB

  • Mistrblank
    Apr 8, 07:27 AM
    May be they did not want to embarrass the Xoom too much :rolleyes:

    Too late.

    Aug 26, 03:58 PM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    Mildly funny when it first started, but my god is that an old joke.

    In other news, Merom this, Merom that, just make sure you get it out on time Apple :p

    Jul 27, 12:25 PM
    Do you think the "core 3" will also have the same pin structure as the 2's?

    Future revisions of the Core 2 will use a new socket allowing for faster FSB speeds, etc. (so the answer is likely no).

    Aug 11, 04:08 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.
    What sjo wrote seem quite accurate. Cells are extremly common here. It has become so common that cellphones nowdays are almost considered as a anti-status symbol. Poor people cant "afford" a land line.
    Many like me, have multiple contracts. Our old contracts, used to be roll-over type. Hence, a lot of people have many minutes left on their old contracts. They pay a small fee to keep the old contract alive and then use these minutes when they travel in abroad (expensive to call). Then they have a new contract that allows you to talk very cheap within a/some countries. These minutes are not roll-over type.
    As you can see, we have a big mess too when it comes to contracts. I wish I could keep one phone and one number, but right now that is financially insane.

    Jun 14, 11:29 AM
    Nope, he looked it up on his computer and
    told me preorders start Thursday for Radio Shack.

    However, I would love to be proved wrong on that.

    I mean, RadioShack isn't at the forefront of techie retail or anything, but that guy can't be that idiotic, can he? The rest of the country is accepting pre-orders for this thing tomorrow, including the Radioshack store I've been in contact with. He's got to be mistaken, man. I would call back and question him on that.

    Jun 9, 02:15 PM
    I just called a local store here in SC and this was pretty much all confirmed. His computer system was down, so he didn't have the info in front of him, but he said it would run pretty much like the EVO did, with a $50 downpayment for the pre-orders. Unfortunately he wasn't yet sure if all stores would be doing pre-orders or just the "in-stock" stores. I'll call back Monday to see if that store can get me a phone on the 24th, since it's close to my work. We'll see, I guess.